
Using employee assessments to increase retention

In today's competitive talent landscape, employee retention has become a top priority for organizations. The focus is shifting to from recruiting the right talent to retaining it, and employee assessments are playing a central role in this transformation. What are employee assessments? Employee ...

Featured Client: Grand Rapids Civic Theater

Established in 1926, Grand Rapids Civic Theatre is one of the leading community theatres in the nation. Grand Rapids Civic Theatre and School of Theatre Arts produces multiple MainStage productions each year, and conducts a thriving theatre education program in its 85,000 square foot facility. Ne...

Why experience management is the key to your team’s success

Business leaders are often well-versed in the importance of data in driving business growth. Metrics like sales, profits, and customer satisfaction are undoubtedly important, but have you considered the connection between these traditional business metrics and Experience Management (XM) metrics? ...

Dan Barcheski: The Elephant and the Flea – the Future of Employment

In the world of employment, we often see two types of entities: "Elephants" and "Fleas". The Elephants refer to large Regional, National, or Global companies – these are the beasts of burden, carrying enormous resources and employees in their structure. On the other hand, Fleas symbolize individu...
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