
Pulse Book Club | Powerful by Patty McCord

Patty McCord’s “Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility” offers a groundbreaking approach to building a corporate culture that is both freeing and responsible. Using her experience as Chief Talent Officer at Netflix, McCord shares valuable insights and lessons learned during h...

How to rise above deceptive hiring practices

Recent findings by Resume Builder revealed a concerning trend: 36% of hiring managers admitted to misleading candidates for their open positions. This isn't just an ethical concern, misleading applicants can have damaging consequences for employers, and the job-seeker market as a whole. Imagine ...

Pulse Book Club | The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle

"The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups" is a book by Daniel Coyle that dives into the underlying principles that define the culture of highly successful organizations, teams, and communities. Through intense research and memorable anecdotes, Coyle decodes the secrets that bind...

Quick guide to intelligent pricing structures that create win-win scenarios for buyers and sellers

Business executives are very aware of our current market reality.  For the small business community, “broken supply chain” is an all-encompassing term for market conditions that make it extremely difficult to navigate your business. It refers to an inconsistent or absent delivery of products or ...
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