
Pulse Book Club | Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard

Change within an organization is equal parts necessary and difficult. To survive, businesses need to develop new revenue streams, flip strategy on its head, and involve new and talented people in the process. However, even the most thoughtful changes come with pushback. This tension can come fro...

5 tips to supercharge employee retention

Retaining great employees is essential for the success and sustainability of any business. According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, the average cost to replace an employee is about one-third of their annual salary. This means that retaining top talent not only benefits ...

7 ways employment law impacts businesses

Employment law can be a complex and confusing subject for small business owners in Michigan. It is essential for small business owners to understand how employment laws impact their business and their employees, as noncompliance can lead to costly legal disputes and financial penalties. Today, we...

How To Onboard Employees Successfully

Onboarding employees is an important responsibility of your company’s HR function. However, onboarding processes and strategies are often neglected or disregarded completely.  Creating an effective strategy for onboarding can help jump-start your employees’ time with your company and help them se...
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