Axios HR helps combat high turnover and rising health benefits cost

A small business owner with a company comprised of 48 individuals in the manufacturing industry was experiencing 60% turnover rate and rising health benefits costs. See how entering a co-employment with Axios HR drastically helped.

Initial Challenges
  • 60% turnover rate
  • 15-day general labor fill-rate
  • Rising health benefits cost
  • Employee frustration due to lack of quick access to information and average 8 day response time to complex inquiries
  • 6 costly injuries YTD
  • Owner spending 13 hours/week on HR administration and vendor management

The Solutions
  • Implemented staffing strategy based on performance metrics
  • Co-employment partnership providing: health insurance consulting, master group plans, HR back-office administration, and HR front-office support and strategic HR

  • A 15% decrease in monthly turnover rate
  • 3-day general labor fill-rate
  • Multiple, competitive health benefit plan options at decreased costs
  • Happy employees and families due to master group plan options and a secure, HR information platform
  • Employee and family inquiries answered within 48 hours
  • Decreased injuries by 30%
  • $120,000 saved from turnover improvements
  • $18,531.83 in total annual HR costs
  • HR vendor consolidation from 5 companies down to 1 company, freeing up 30% more time for the owner

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